Зарегистрировал домен COOLWATER.RU для создания сайта, посвященного кулерам и диспенсерам, т. е. использую слова cool и water в общеупотребительном смысле.
После прихода письма (см. ниже), думаю развивать проект или нет? Подскажите!
Мне пришло письмо ( я ответил, что буду обсуждать вопрос на русском):
Our Ref: 452-allg. Korrespondenz Internet/BS
Dear Mr
I am writing to you in my capacity as trademarks attorney of the Swiss firm
Zino Davidoff SA, which is the owner of the well-known trademark COOL WATER.
Our clients are the owners of various trademark registrations and among
others also of the Russian trademark registration No. 761286 COOL WATER
(wordmark) for various goods. Our clients state that by virtue of the long,
continuous and open use of the trade mark COOL WATER for perfumes and
cosmetics in large number of countries coupled with the excellence quality
of the same and superior performance thereof, the said trade mark has
acquired formidable reputation and goodwill. The goods bearing the same have
become highly popular in large number of countries amongst the traders and
members of public and the said trademark has acquired a global and
trans-border reputation and popularity.
Our clients have become aware of the use of the domain name coolwater.ru.
This is a clear infringement of our clients' rights in the trademark COOL
Therefore, I have to request that you
a) immediately cease using this domain name or any similar domain name, and
b) immediately transfer the domain name coolwater.ru to our clients, the
Zino Davidoff SA, 5 Rue de Faucigny, CH-1700 Fribourg, Switzerland.
If we do not receive any response within the next ten days we shall have no
alternative but to advise our clients to initiate stringent legal action
against you, holding you responsible for all the costs and consequences
thereof and to claim also for damages.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully
Benedikt Schmidt
Meisser & Partners
Law Office
Bahnhofstrasse 8
CH-7250 Klosters, Switzerland
Telephone: +41 81 410 2323
Telefax: +41 81 410 2324