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   Банк                                             THE BANK
   When replaying please
       refer to our
   No.                                            _____________ 19
   Dear Sirs,
               Re: Your Letter (s) of Credit mentioned below
        For the execution of the operations the following charges are due
   to us, which (see mark X)
   +-+  please credit our account with __________________________________
        we ask __________________________________________________________
        to credit the account of ...   bank, ...   /our with __________
        advising / instructing the latter to  advise ...  bank, ...  of
        payment by air mail.
   +-+ ...   bank, ...  have debited your account / account ___________
        Please consider this letter as DEBIT - ADVISE
   Number of letter of credit     Date of your      Rate      Amount
   Your No.           / our
   1. Advising (opening), confimation commission
   2. Commission for increase of the sum of the L / C
   3. Extension commission
   4. Amendment commission
   5. Cable charges
   Your No.          / our
   1. Advising (opening), confimation commission
   2. Commission for increase of the sum of the L / C
   3. Extension commission
   4. Amendment commission
   5. Cable charges
                                                         Yours faintfully


Главная страница библиотеки


Источник информации: https://internet-law.ru/docs/blank-dlya-predyavleniya-bankuemitentu-komissii-i-drugih-rashodo.htm


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