юридическая фирма 'Интернет и Право'
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Яндекс цитирования

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General information:
Sergo Anton Gennadyevich is MSAL graduate, professor, Doctor in Law, mediator, professor of MSAL chair on intellectual property, professor of UNESCO chair on intellectual property, academician of the Russian Academy of Natural History, the President of "Internet and Law" legal company, member of the Expert Council of the Regional Public Organization "Center of Internet Technologies", member of the Presidium of the Expert Council of the "Runet Prize" (National Prize of the Russian Federation), member of the Expert Council of the Russian Internet Forum, member of the Editorial Board of the "Copyright", "Works on Intellectual Property" (UNESCO), "Digital economy" magazines, expert of the Internet Development Institute, member of the Scientific Advisory Council at the Intellectual Property Court, author of more then 20 books and more then 300 publications and interview concerning law and the Internet, that are published in Russia and abroad.

Since 1998 the basic activity of A.G. Sergo and his “Internet and Law” legal company has been concentrated on protection of the rights of trade mark owners, company name owners, domain name owners in the Russian and international courts, owners of copyright, protection of honor and reputation in the Internet. During the twenty years of practice the author has created a number of precedent cases for the area, won both in our country and in the WIPO UN Arbitration center.
The company has been included into TOP-30 of the Russian legal firms in the field of intellectual property and “TMT: technologies, media and telecommunications”.
During its existence the company have rendered services to more than eight hundred persons/companies. Our clients on the Internet disputes at various times were NIKE (4 domain name disputes were won), REUTERS, BBC, KLM, TASS (14 domain name disputes were won in Russia and 4 ones – in the WIPO Arbitration center), HeadHunter (12 domain name disputes were won in Russia and 2 ones – in the WIPO Arbitration center), WildBerries, VKontakte (in the WIPO Arbitration center), CIAN (in Russia and in the WIPO Arbitration center), NAVITEL (2 domain name disputes were won in the WIPO Arbitration center), VK, BBC, ITAR-TASS (14 domains in Russia and 4 ones abroad were won), SU-155, AKADO and many others.


Curriculum vitae

Anton Sergo

Anton Sergo

The privately practicing expert
of vastly narrow structure (since 1998).

E-mail: mail@internet-law.ru
: www.internet-law.ru



Higher education: Moscow State Academy of Law
Day-time department
Specialization: The enterprise law.
Area of dissertation researches: domain names.
Academic title: professor, RANH academician.
Scientific degree: Doctor in Law.
Title of honor (RAHN): Honored worker of science and education.
Professional mediator.



2003 – WIPO Academy’s "General course on intellectual property".

2010 – WIPO Academy’s "Advanced course. Copyright and related rights".

2012 – WIPO Academy’s "Advanced course on Arbitration and Mediation under the WIPO Rules".

2021 – WIPO Academy: "Advanced course on software licensing, including open source software".

2021 – WIPO Academy: "Advanced course on trademarks, industrial designs and geographical indications”.

2021 – WIPO Academy: "Advanced course on trademarks, iIndustrial designs and geographical indications”.



  • From 1998 until nowadays - President of the "Internet & Law" legal company.
  • From 2000 until 2010 - The Moscow State Academy of Law, associate professor.
  • From 2009 until 2024 - the Russian State Academy of Intellectual Property (former the Russian State Institute of Intellectual Property), professor.
  • From 2017 until nowadays - The Moscow State Academy of Law, professor.


From 2000: UNESCO chair on intellectual property, member (CIS), professor.
The first and the only Chair’s expert in intellectual property problems within the Internet.



1999 – 2001:

  • Participation in development of a draft "On state automatic system "Elections";
  • Cooperation with Scientific research center of information legal technologies.

2000 – 2003:

  • Cooperation with Russian Union of Journalists.

2002 – 2003:

  • Cooperation with social television and radio broadcasting development Fund.

2003 – 2006:

  • Cooperation with RosNIIROS - RIPN and RuCENTER (NIC.RU).
2004 – 2007:
  • The member of “Information law” editorial board.
Since 2004 to the present:
  • The member of The Russian public center of the Internet-technologies;
  • The member of Presidium Advisory council "THE RUNET PREMIUM" (the National Premium of the Russian Federation);
  • The member of The Russian Internet Forum Expert board.

Since 2011 to 2012: WIPO “Summer School on IP” lecturer.

Since 2015 to the present: expert IRI (Development of Internet Institute).

Since 2016 to 2022: Chairman of the Legal Committee of the Coordination Center for TLD RU/RF.

Since 2016 to the present: member of the editorial board of the journal "Copyright".

Since 2018 to 2022: member of the editorial board of the journal "Intellectual property. Copyright".

Since 2020 to the present: member of the editorial council of the journal "Works on Intellectual Property" (UNESCO).

Since 2021 to the present: member of the editorial council of the journal "Digital economy".

Since 2021 to the present: member of the Scientific Advisory Council of the Intellectual Property Rights Court.



  IV Национальная интернет-премия, диплом "За вклад в защиту интеллектуальной собственности в Рунете": "за содействие в становлении и развитии Интернета в России как правового пространства для творчества, бизнеса и профессиональной работы", 2003 год "Доменный юрист года", 2004г. За сотрудничество в развитии электронного книгоиздания. 2003г. "Премия Рунета - 2005", диплом эксперта Фонд развития отечественного образования: Диплом лауреата конкурса за лучшую научную книгу 2006 года МГЮА, Лауреат в номинации Лучший молодой :-) преподаватель Свидетельство о регистрации сайта "Интернет и Право" Сертифика ЮНЕСКО: Современные проблемы охраны интеллектуальной собственности. 2001г. Свидетельство ВОИС: Основы интеллектуальной собственности. 2003г. Сертификат Кодекс. 2010г. Сертификат КонсультантПлюс. 2011г. Сертификат КонсультантПлюс. 2011г. Свидетельство ВОИС: Продвинутый курс. Авторское право и смежные права. 2010г. Диплом РГАИС за руководство научно-исследовательской работой. 2012г. Свидетельство ВОИС: Продвинутый курс по арбитражу и медиации ВОИС. 2013г. Диплом Роспатент и РГАИС "За развитие новых направлений научных исследований". 2013г. Благодарственное письмо Гарант. 2013г. Диплом РАО+РСП: За большой личный вклад в развитие системы охраны интеллектуальных прав в Российской Федерации. 2013г. Почетная грамота РГАИС. 2013г. Почетная грамота РГАИС. 2013г. Заслуженный деятель науки и образования. Благодарственное письмо МГЮА. 2014г. Диплом РГАИС за научное руководство НИРС. 2014г. Диплом РГАИС за конкурс работ по авторскому праву. 2014г. Диплом Роспатент, РГАИС за I место в номинации 'Интеллектуальная собственность в информационно-коммуникационной сети Интернет' Международного конкурса на лучшее научное издание в интеллектуальной собственности. 2015г. Благодарность МГЮА. 2016г. Эксперт ИРИ. 2016г. Благодарность МГЮА. 2017г. Благодарность МГЮА. 2018г. Благодарность Федеральной службы по интеллектуальной собственности. 2018г. Благодарность МГЮА. 2019г. Благодарность Федеральной службы по интеллектуальной собственности. 2019г. Сертификат участника конференции ТГУ. 2019г. Благодарность МГЮА. 2020г. Благодарность МГЮА. 2021г. Участие в конференции «Авторское право – ключевой элемент цифровой экономики» Свидетельство ВОИС: Продвинутый курс по лицензированию программного обеспечения, включая программное обеспечение с открытым кодом. 2021г. Свидетельство ВОИС: Продвинутый курс по товарным знакам, промышленным образцам и географическим указаниям. 2021г. Благодарность МГЮА. 2022г. Благодарность Федеральной службы по интеллектуальной собственности. 2022г. Лауреат конкурса DOT-журналистика. 2022г. Благодарность МГЮА. 2023г. Сертификат КонсультантПлюс. 2023г. Благодарность ТГУ. 2023г. Антиплагиат. 2023г. Сертификат ТГУ. 2023г. Благодарность МГЮА. 2024г. Сертификат КонсультантПлюс. 2024г. Антиплагиат. 2024г.



The "Copyrighter" project co-author (computer program, meant for authors' rights and electronic publications defence within the Internet by a special method of publications reflection, which prevents illegal text copying, duplicating or/and modification, 2000.


There are more than 300 books, publications, interview on legal subjects in printed and electronic mass media in Russia and abroad, and also 20+ books (including 10 monographs, 11 textbooks).

Author’s works are published in such editions, as:

  • Social and political editions and news agencies: Russian information agency “Novosti”, TASS, ITAR-TASS, Kommersant, Kommersant “Vlast’”, Vedomosti, SmartMoney (Vedomosti), Izvestiya, Noviye Izvestiya, Pravda.ru, Expert, RBC Daily, Ekonomika I Zhizn’ (Yurist), Gazeta, Biznes-zhurnal, Komsomolskaya pravda, Argumenty i fakty, Ogonyok, Marker, Gudok, “Svobodmaya pressa”, Russian Newsweek, Broadcasting,  DF (Debt Factor), Lenta.ru, Nakanune.ru, Information agency "Banki.ru", Argumenty nedeli.

  • Legal editions: Russian Agency of Legal and Judicial Information, Pravo.ru, Khozyaystvo i pravo, Informatsionnoe pravo, UNESCO chair’s bulletin "Writings on intellectual property", Rossiyskaya yustitsiya, Yurist, Pravo, Intellectualnaya sobstvennost’, Yurist kompanii, Yurist predpriyatiya, Pravo i ekonomika, Novaya advokatskaya gazeta, Kollegiya, Yuridicheaskaya Rossiya, Kodeks-info, Cherniye dyry v rossiyskom zakonodatelstve, Baltiyskiy yuridicheskiy zhurnal (Latvia), Problemy pravovoy informatizatsii (Belarus), Ukrainskiy Yurist (Ukraine).

  • Computer editions: Kompyuter-press, PC Magazine, CNews, Novosty Internet, Kompyulog, Mir PK, Programmist, Khaker, PCWeek, Kompyuterra, Hard'n'Soft, Mir Khostinga, DP.ru, WebPlaneta, TelNews, RUformator.

  • Television broadcasts on channels: Rossiya (RTR), Rossiya 2, TV Tsentr, Stolitsa, Podmoskovye, Tretiy kanal, TV-6, Ren-TV, NTV+, M24, RBC, "Peterburg - pyatiy kanal", Rossiya24 (Vesti24), iTV.

  • Radio programs on radio stations: RGRK "Golos Rossii", "Ekho Moskvi", "Russkaya sluzhba novostey", "Mayak", “Radio Svoboda”,"Govorit Moskva", VGTRK "Vesti.FM", "City-FM", “Moskva FM”, “Serebryanyi dozhd’”, “Kommersant FM”, "BBC (Russian)", Radio "Komsomolskaya pravda".



Author of:

  • "Internet and Law" book (2003).

  • "Legal aspects of the Internet" e-book (2003). 

  • "Informatics and maths for lawyers: the Internet" textbook co-author (2003).

  • “The legal rights of intellectual property” textbook co-author (2005).

  • "Domain Names" book (2006).

  • "The Internet computer networks and intellectual property", textbook co-author (2010).

  • "Domain Names" book (2010).

  • "Usage of reference legal systems “ConsultantPlus”, “Garant” and “Kodeks” in juridical activity " textbook (2010).

  • "The legal rights of intellectual property for IT-specialists" textbook co-author (2011).

  • "Usage of means of individualization and results of intellectual activity in domain names" textbook (2011).

  • "Information technologies in legal activities" textbook (2012).

  • "Domain Names" book (2013).

  • "Information technologies in legal activities. The Internet" textbook (2013).

  • "Disputes on domain names. International systems of their resolution" book co-author(2015).

  • "Usage of means of individualization in domain names" textbook (2017).

  • "Information technologies in legal activities" textbook (2017).

  • "The intellectual property law for IT-specialists" textbook co-author (2018).

  • "Domain Names" book (2018).

  • "International domain dispute resolution systems" book co-author (2022).

  • "Russian UDRP or the Chamber of domain name disputes" book co-author (2023).

Scientific translations editor (including authour's comments)

  • Linda McCarthy "IT Security", Prentice Hall PTR, 2003 (legal part).

  • Becky Worley "Security Alert", Pearson Educaton, 2004.

  • Arnold Lutzker "Content Rights for Creative Professionals", Focal Press, 2004.


Participation in conferences with reports

  • "Law and the Internet" conference - 2000
    ("Copyright defence within the Internet (ways of defence, author's experience")).

  • "Electronic commerce - 2000" Exibition and seminar at VVTZ
    ("How rights within Internet are defended").

  • All-Russian seminar "GIS and SAPR within the Internet and the Intranet" - 2001
    ("Copyright defence practice within the Internet").

  • "Law and the Internet" conference - 2002
    ("Domain sphere judicial problems: Russian and international experience").

  • "Law and the Internet"  conference - 2003, member of the organizing committee.

  • "Documentation in the information society: paradigms of the XXI century" conference - 2003 ("The Electoric Documents Exchange in the Internet").

  • Round-table discussion “Press-2004": "Intellectual property and the Internet".

  • "Telecomunications and New Information Techonology in the Area of Education", MEPHI, the scientific session, VIII exhibition-conference - 2004 ("The Internet & Law").

  • "Intellectual property and the Internet" conference - 2004 ("Domains: Russian legislation and UDRP").

  • Round-table discussion "Press-2005": "Intellectual property and the Internet".

  • The First anniversary of the Russian Internet (2005), member of expert board.

  • The All-Russian conference "The Copyright: protection and defense" - 2005: the report "The Review of domain disputes in Russia".

  • The International conference "The Law and the Internet" - 2005: the report "The Review of domain disputes in Russia".

  • The National award of the Russian Federation "RUNET award - 2005", a member of expert board.

  • The International conference "The Problem of a spam and its decision - 2005": "Is it possible to bring s spammer to responsibility".

  • The Russian Internet Forum" (RIF) - 2006,
    member of the organizing committee, round-table member
    “Legal aspects of content distribution in the Internet”.

  • The National award of the Russian Federation "RUNET award - 2006", a member of expert board

  • The International conference "The Law and the Internet" - 2006:
    report " The Review of domain disputes in Russia ".

  • The Russian Internet Forum" (RIF) - 2007,
    member of the organizing committee, round-table member
    “The Internet and copyright: that is stronger?..”.

  • The National award of the Russian Federation "RUNET award - 2007", a member of expert board

  • The Russian Internet Forum" (RIF) - 2008,
    member of the organizing committee, round-table co-moderator
    «Personal data in the Internet».



"Internet & Law" project

The author and moderator of the site "The Internet & Law" (www.internet-law.ru) - the leader among similar domestic Internet-resources.


Legal experience within Internet

The regular cooperation with commercial, non-commercial legal entities and also private persons in sphere of consultation concerning intellectual property (the copyright, domain names), protection of honor, dignity and business reputation.

A number of precedent-setting cases are won in courts.


Источник информации: https://internet-law.ru/resume-e.htm


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